This Oral Exam guide is applicable for primary school children who are taking Chinese Oral Exams especially for P4 to P6 students.
The package will cover practical and easy to remember oral tips that will help you in answering examiner's questions.
Oral revision need not to be boring as it comes with animated videos accompany by pictures and English helping words for easy understanding.
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Character Value: Show care and concern for our family and friends? (2:42)
- Character Value: Showing Kindness (1:30)
- Moral Value: Public Property Vandalism (1:17)
- Moral Value: Animal treatment (1:46)
- Moral value: Community social service for students (1:42)
- Experience : Share a good deed done in public (2:29)
- Environment: Why do we need to clean the environment? (1:30)
- Environment: Do you agree that environment conservation is the duty for everyone? (2:47)
- Transportation: Benefits of Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) (2:03)
- Character Value: Teamwork (4:18)